
Nowadays institutions face many challenges and increasing and complex pressures, as these institutions have become obligated to adopt new organizational patterns in their services and products that enable them to compete and keep pace with changes and achieve excellence.

The future will include many variables and opportunities that will affect our lives, either positively or negatively, depending on our ability to absorb them and apply them in the right ways. And it has become one of the priorities of our in the modern world to study how these changes will affect us. The major changes which have occurred recently include technological developments and innovation in various fields, and the impact of these changes on our abilities to absorb and create new services and markets. As such, it is imperative to provide and acquire the required knowledge and skills that will enable us to take full advantage of the positive aspects and opportunities and avoid or reduce harmful effects.

If we look to the future, we will find important issues at the level of countries in the world that have been identified and represent a priority in the coming stages and require diligent review and research. These include the application of modern technologies and electronic administration, as well as the need to focus more on long-term strategic planning, evidence-based information data analysis in decision-making and policymaking, more integration between services and advanced technical solutions.

Accordingly, it has become imperative for government institutions and private sector to acquire the skills that enable them to perform their work effectively by keeping pace with changes through supporting creativity and innovation, applying advanced knowledge, ideas and skills and adopting future foresight as a technique in work.

Future Foresight:

Future foresight has become one of the urgent necessities of our time, especially as changes are accelerating and growing, data is becoming more complex and inflated, events are successive and overlapping, and aspirations are increasing. Therefore, it is imperative to work on developing the capabilities of civil servants in developing long-term future plans with appropriate and scientific scenarios. This can be achieved through a series of workshops in the field of “future foresight”.

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Artificial intelligence has become the most important field in our time. Many countries have adopted artificial intelligence in providing services such as services in medical health, environment, transportation, and transportation. Bogin believes that artificial intelligence can help the world achieve the 17 sustainable development goals set by the United Nations. To benefit from it we have to address the fundamental challenges it poses, such as the need to develop towards more mature stages of this technology before we can completely rely on it, and the need to improve the quality of this model and eliminating bias by providing high quality training data.

According to the research firm McKinsey, artificial intelligence will lead to many changes in the professional categories for 375 million workers around the world by 2030. It is also expected that the nature of almost all jobs will change as a result of cooperation with smart machines in the workplace, which requires new skilled and retrained workforce.

To keep pace with these changes, it has become imperative to bridge the gap in the skills required in the technology sector by establishing and implementing an integrated training program on artificial intelligence for youth, private and public sector officials. This program will have the following benefits:

  • Reducing human error
  • Reduce time in implementing development programs and projects.
  • Analyze data with high efficiency
  • Accelerate achievement and create an innovative work environment
  • Optimal utilization of financial and human resources
  • Increasing productivity, in addition to building a strong base in research and development


Robotics is a branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation and application of robots, and computer systems and their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. Ideally, Robotics is defined as the study of Robots and forms an integral part of Future Foresight. Robotics workshop will provide insight into the manufacture and implementation of:

  • Robotics
  • Machine learning & Artificial Intelligence
  • IOT
  • Drones

Types of Robotic Training Provided;

  1. Train-of-Trainers for academicians, technicians, teachers, trainers and admistrators on how to prepare future generation. To achieve this, they should be aware of the available technologies and their basic input, principles, applications and implementation.
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